Sunday, April 12, 2009

puppy ideas

New tactic/shot:
Don't show piling of things, just show puppy on top of pile (which wobbles) streaching and almost getting the cake before falling.

For the long jump, have slow motion shot in the air, with puppy perspective as the cake floats closer, then at the last moment puppy cam tilts down, then edit out to seeing puppy impacting on the fridge front. (credit: Bridget)

Generally I've got 2 ok and 1 good ideas; need more ideas. if I have 2 weeks to model, 3 weeks to rig (including learning to rig), then I just have 5 weeks in the term to story board... and I've used 2 of them up.
Also need to skin and light...

so here's some more brainstorming

Ok, what else can the dog do?
How else would a person do it?
Grappling hook
Flap ears

How to make Trampoline funnier: zoom in for the almost, fly above, hit celinng. or
Series of shots just of cake, puppy nearly there, puppy too far away. One bounce or severeal?

Climbing suction foot thingys

Puppy pole vault

Ninja wire harness

Magic (spells chants, bag of stuff)

Use just mouth or paws too?

Combine boxes with trampoline

Plant instant ivy, let grow, climb, slip, tangled, stuck, sigh.

Comic transformation of puppy or keep realistic? (same as paws question.)

Like cannon idea…

Here's is the extended sketch out of ideas, with a leetle work on the first three and 2 new sections. Storyboarding went really slow at first; tried too hard to use the image research I've been doing to make realistic puppy. would be much better and faster without.
I'm tempted to take these storyboards a step closer to real animation with the frames and timings, don't know if the time spent is worth it...

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