Thursday, October 2, 2008

Obama Image percieveing

Obama Image response

First Glance: A woman with an afro and a gun. She stands out against the white background better than obama. Next I notice obama in a strange headdress and robe, or suggestion of robe.

At which point my personal perspective kicks in, realizing this is an anti-obama drawing, and as i am Pro- obama I react negatively to the drawing, at first dismissing is as propaganda. But it's an assignment so I press on and look again.

I still don't recognize the gun lady, but her stance and head tilt (non-dominating) contrast with her eyebrows and apparel, and gun (dominant).

Historically speaking I draw from my experiences that both Republican and Democrats or their supporters will say anything with the smallest grain of truth to support their puffed up story, usually with the intention of making the other look bad.

Further scrutiny points out the picture of Osama bi Laden the wall above a fireplace burning the american flag. Though I learned in boy scouts that the proper way to retire a flag that was worn out is by burning I'm sure that's not the message here. I notice obama is wearing a head wrap similar to the picture of bi Laden, and his eyes are closed. Both people are very racially caricatured.

Ethically speaking, can propaganda be ethical? the supports may say yes, those not in support will say no. Out right lies are less ethical than facts stated fairly and openly, but it's difficult to call truth completely ethical without the whole truth.

How is our writing or the writing of others influenced by symbolic language we use to convey a message? All cultures use symbols to communicate meaning within groups?
-The symbol which stands out the most would be the terrorist-dress of the gun lady and the burning flag- both connecting obama with terrorism and anti-americanism.

Criticallyspeaking I can't think of anything new to say

Technicallythis picture is very simple, hand drawn with non saturate or bright colors. I believe that is the style the New Yorker uses regularly.

To sum up, this picture is anti- obama propaganda which isn't any more truthful or ethical or factual than the sara palin photoshop job.

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