Monday, August 17, 2009

Nothing like a deadline for inspiration

So I've frankly sluffed off the whole working on Psyc ward props thing. Then there's a meeting on Thursday or so about it, and I'm suddenly inspired to put in some work. re-learning and hammering on skins mostly, with a little model tweaking that you can't really see here. Next up bump map I think.

1 comment:

  1. no worries. Yeah honestly, i don't know if I will be of any help. I just ran with it. Mediumhouse isn't really about just selling, we're making art and we play and if it sells then it sells. We need help with the site and our idea was to leave contact info of the artist on the so that potential buyers can contact the artists themselves, but we no with programming. Hey, you should help out :) We wanted to have art for sale on the site and then as a unit as a team go to ashland and do events to attract attention and traffic to the site, through community events, which we have been doing and out next event will be 1sr friday of october.
